Just THREE more weeks until munchkin's expected arrival, and a few days away from week 37 of this pregnancy!! We are so close. And to help prepare for the little guy's birth, two weeks ago I went on a tour of the hospital with the intended parents (IPs). The tour went great, and I'm glad the parents got to see the hospital ahead of time. We got to watch a baby girl get her first bath in the nursery on the recovery floor. So precious, and made me even more excited for my couple to meet their baby boy and watch him get his first bath as well. I also made sure that munchkin's parents were ready with a car seat (not sure why my crazy self was so concerned about that, but I was). They didn't have a car seat the day we went on the tour yet, but not to worry, they have one now and it is fully installed and ready to go. Yay! Munchkin has a safe ride home. The parents are also close to deciding on the name, but I will wait to reveal it until after he's born.
I've had two doctor's appointments since my last post, and both went great! At the first I was checked for Group B streptococcus (GBS), which is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s "private parts" - just keeping it real! This bacteria is normally found in about 25 % of all healthy, adult women. This is a routine test, and if it came back positive they would give me antibiotics while I was in labor to prevent the spread of the infection to the baby at delivery. My test came back negative though. Woo hoo! The doctor also measured my uterus and felt around for munchkin, he even showed me how I could feel that munchkin's head was heading down already near my pelvic bone. It was neat to feel that, in a totally creepy there's-a-human-being-in-my-belly kind of way.
Saw the doctor again a few days ago, and again everything looks wonderful. Munchkin's heart beat is strong at 130 beats/minute, and he is still head down - doc said he'll most likely stay in this position in preparation for birth. As for me, my blood pressure was good, and weight gain is... well... I am definitely gaining! Grand total so far is 39lbs, and we've still go three weeks to go... sigh. Oh well, all part of the process right?! Munchkin better be a big boy though, so that I can get rid of this weight even faster is all I have to say.
Physically, I am feeling good, but tired more often than before, primarily because a good nights sleep is hard to come by nowadays. Munchkin seems to like to move around a lot at night. I'm still working full time, and plan to work up until munchkin decides he's ready to meet his parents. Yet I won't be afraid to throw an eviction notice at him if he takes too long either. Ha!
Emotionally, I am happy and excited to be in the home stretch of this journey. I couldn't have asked for a better couple to work with, and everyone at CSP has been wonderful to work with as well. I also feel blessed to have had it so easy - a first time success with the IVF and a problem-free pregnancy. I know this is not always the case for surrogates and their IPs. There is just so much to be thankful for, and I will never take any of this for granted. My IPs have become like family to me, and I hope our relationship continues to grow even after munchkin's arrival.
Last, but definitely not least, my husband and I went out to dinner with my IPs the other night. It was nice to catch up and hear their plans to fix up munchkin's room that weekend, I love seeing them and talking about munchkin. AND I FINALLY got a picture taken with them!!
Munchkin's parents and me (baby bump from 35 weeks, 6 days)...
Up next: MUNCHKIN'S BABY SHOWER IS SUNDAY! Can't wait!!! And a week from today is another doctor's appointment, as well as a sneak peek ultrasound to check how big munchkin is getting!
~The Baby Fairy
You're in the home stretch!! Woohoo! It'll be here before you know it and you will be looking back wondering how the day came so quickly. Best of luck to you all!!