Monday, November 19, 2012

Third Trimester is Here

Yesterday marked DAY ONE of the third trimester and 28 weeks into the pregnancy. And if you notice the countdown ticker on the side of this blog says just "90" days to go! We are in the double digits! Yay! Here's the latest belly shot taken yesterday: 

My last appointment was 3 weeks ago and all is well with me and with baby. My regular doctor could not make it to the appointment, so I saw a different doctor. He made sure to thoroughly check my file which made me feel good. He noted that at the last ultrasound my placenta was still a little on the low side. He recommended having another follow up ultrasound around 32 weeks to check it out again. A low lying placenta can cause bleeding (though I have not experienced any, thank goodness) and it can also become dangerous for the labor/delivery if it detaches too early. Hopefully mine decides to mosey it's way up to a more suitable position, otherwise a c-section may be in my future (insert sad face here). But I will keep you posted as we go. My blood pressure looked good, and the baby's heartbeat sounded nice and strong. At this appointment I had gained 7lbs since my last appointment 4 weeks earlier (bringing me up to around 18lbs gained so far with this pregnancy). Doc said this should be OK, as long as I only gain about 2lbs/month for the remainder of the pregnancy. (Yea, we'll see about that one, doc!) I gained somewhere around 50lbs each with my last two pregnancies. What can I say? My oven grows big babies... and I like food, A LOT. :)  


Speaking of growing, here are some fun recent happenings as the belly grows larger: 

1. I officially have an "outtie" belly button now. 

2. Grocery bags get set on the counter and not on the floor anymore - bending over takes too much work! 
3. I try to not pick up my 2 year old as much as possible anymore, which is VERY hard to do, because I want to snuggle on him every chance I get. But at 30lbs, I think he is just too much for me and the belly. :(
4. Leggings have become my new best friend. 
and 5. I am a habitual side-sleeper-tosser. I toss from the left to the right at least half a dozen times during the night. A comfortable sleeping position is getting harder and harder to find.

It's hard to believe I am in the third trimester already! This journey has flown by and I know the next 3 months will feel no different, so I am trying to enjoy every moment. I am so blessed to be able to offer this gift to such a wonderful couple. I can't wait for this little guy's arrival in February! He is not even here yet and his parents have already demonstrated just how much love they have to give him by persevering through a 6+ year journey of heartache to get to where they are now... anxiously awaiting the arrival of their son! The parents will be heading out my way in December to take a tour of the hospital... another big "THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING" moment. I cannot wait!    

Up next: Another OB appointment - a week from today, November 26th. This one will sadly not be with my regular OB again, as she was busy that week. So I will see a completely new doctor. Sometimes I wish I could see the same doc at each appointment, but then I remember that I am part of a large medical group where the OB delivering the baby could be any of the 11 OBs on staff, so meeting a few new ones isn't such a bad idea after all. At the next appointment I will also have a glucose test and get to drink the oh-so-yummy orange colored liquid. Wait, maybe it's not orange anymore?! And they somehow managed to make it taste like root beer?! Hey, a girl can dream, right? :) 

~The Baby Fairy             

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