Monday, August 6, 2012

Progesterone Blood Test

Well, I had my blood work done on July 25th, and the results weren't great. My progesterone level was on the low side of "normal", so the doctor wanted me to stay on the progesterone injections for another week and get my blood checked again after that. 

I was bummed, but pushed through and did another week of injections. I had my blood rechecked on August 1st. And HOORAY! The results were better this time around. And the best news is I was able to stop all medications! No more needles for me.

I have officially graduated from the fertility clinic's office and am all cleared to be seen by my OB. The only supplements I still need to take are these prenatal vitamins. 
Two pills/day, a prescription prenatal vitamin and an omega 3 supplement, both of which I can definitely handle a lot better than daily injections. :)

Another step closer in this amazing journey. I am beyond happy for the couple, and I hope the good news continues with our next appointments. 

Up next... I see my OB on August 9th and the very next day I have the CVS test on August 10th at the high-risk pregnancy clinic! Fingers crossed for good results!!!!

~The Baby Fairy 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/06/2012

    Our fingers are crossed for you!
