Monday, July 2, 2012

Sharing the News

The IVF process can be a roller coaster, and I was extremely lucky to have been successful after just my first transfer. Knowing about how rare first time success with IVF can be ahead of time it made me want to wait to share the news with my oldest son, who is 5 1/2, until we saw positive results on the ultrasound. (My youngest child is only a year and a half, and will probably not be able to comprehend much of what is happening throughout this pregnancy.) On the evening after my ultrasound, my husband and I carefully explained to our son that I was helping another couple start a family of their own, because they were unable to do so on their own. I also explained that, unlike his baby brother, this baby would not be coming home with us after he/she was born. And that this baby would not be related to us, and he was not the baby's big brother. My son said, "I know, I know." But think got real quiet for a couple seconds, and said, "But..." (This is where I panicked, and wondered what his little brain could be thinking at this very moment.) "But... will I still be able to see the baby??" my 5 year old asked. "Of course," I replied. He said, "Ok, GOOD! Because then I will know if it's a boy or a girl!" It was so sweet. I should have known that he would be completely fine with the idea. Although I am sure we will need to remind him throughout the process, especially as my belly grows larger, that we are not giving up our baby - that this baby was never ours to begin with and we are simply giving him or her back. 

My 5 year old wasn't the only person to learn about my news last week. I ended up telling three other people, as well as making this blog "public" on the same day. Guess I was still feeling all the excitement from the ultrasound. :) 

~The Baby Fairy

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/02/2012

    He is such a sweet boy! Glad he took it well, but yes, you will probably have to remind him.

    -love Aunt Desi
