Monday, June 18, 2012

Blood Test #2

My second hCG level check was done on Monday, June 18th (17 days post transfer). And this time, I didn't get a call from the nurse around the afternoon like before. I was impatient and wanted to know my number! So I picked up the phone and called myself, and a different nurse called me back a couple hours later with this: 


My hCG level had doubled just over every 43 hours! THIS IS GREAT! And again, I got to be the one to deliver the good news to the couple. The IM was shocked and very excited! The IF had no idea what that number meant! Same with my husband as well. We explained that it was a good strong number. We scheduled an appointment for the first pregnancy ultrasound for the following week. It would be a long week and a half of waiting to see what exactly was going on in there. With my hCG level doubling so well, some people wondered if maybe there would be twins in there??!!

Up next... ultrasound results!

~The Baby Fairy

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