Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ultrasound #1

There is ONE bun baking in my oven!!!

So for all of those who thought twins, nope! Just one healthy baby growing in there. I was able to share the first pregnancy ultrasound with the Intended Mother (IM). It was awesome to see her reaction to the little heartbeat flicker on the screen, and to be able to even HEAR the heartbeat as well! Such a fun experience. Unfortunately, the Intended Father (IF) couldn't make it, because of work. But he was able to hear the doctor tell us the good news via speaker phone. The baby is a whopping 5.2mm right now, and is measuring on track for being 6 weeks & 3 days pregnant. My estimated due date is February 17th - a Valentine's baby! So sweet. :)

I had blood work as well, and my estrogen level was high enough that I am able to stop the patches now. However, I have to stay with the Progesterone injections for another 3.5 weeks. I asked the nurse about the numbness I was feeling at the injection site and on the outside of my legs, and she said I was injecting them too low. Oops! So hopefully injecting higher will help with the numbness, but she did say it may take a couple months for the feeling to come back completely.

After the appointment, the IM and I had lunch together. It was fun to get to know each other better, we talked about everything from reality tv shows to working together on a possible sibling project in the future for this baby. That will take some time to consider, so we'll see how this one goes first. I am so happy for the new parents-to-be. Looking forward to the next 8 months!!

Up next... we'll get another peek of baby via ultrasound on July 11th!

~The Baby Fairy

Monday, June 18, 2012

Blood Test #2

My second hCG level check was done on Monday, June 18th (17 days post transfer). And this time, I didn't get a call from the nurse around the afternoon like before. I was impatient and wanted to know my number! So I picked up the phone and called myself, and a different nurse called me back a couple hours later with this: 


My hCG level had doubled just over every 43 hours! THIS IS GREAT! And again, I got to be the one to deliver the good news to the couple. The IM was shocked and very excited! The IF had no idea what that number meant! Same with my husband as well. We explained that it was a good strong number. We scheduled an appointment for the first pregnancy ultrasound for the following week. It would be a long week and a half of waiting to see what exactly was going on in there. With my hCG level doubling so well, some people wondered if maybe there would be twins in there??!!

Up next... ultrasound results!

~The Baby Fairy

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blood Test #1

On Monday, June 11th (10 days post transfer) I went to have blood work done. They would test the level of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in my blood. HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy that is made by the developing placenta. An hCG level of less than 5mIU/ml is considered negative for pregnancy, and anything above 25mIU/ml is considered positive for pregnancy. That afternoon, I got a call from the nurse, my level was: 


A great number! And the nurse even let me call the IM with the good news. She was very excited and thrilled that the number was so high. Now we have to wait one week, for the second blood test. In a bout 85% of normal pregnancies, the hCG level will double every 48 - 72 hours.

Up next... wait for blood test #2!

~The Baby Fairy

Friday, June 8, 2012

Home Pregnancy Test

After a long 8 days of waiting, I took a home pregnancy test on the morning on June 8th and saw this wonderful word: 

!!!!!! It worked !!!!!! 
I sent a text message, with the picture of the test, to the couple and they were both very excited, and yet still cautious. They had been down this road before, with a positive test, only to be told the devastating bad news that the pregnancy was not viable at the ultrasound a few weeks later. But we have to celebrate each little victory, so for today, the news was good! It is incredibly lucky to also be successful on the first transfer, sometimes it can take 3-4 transfers before receiving a positive result.

Up next... "official" blood tests results! 

~The Baby Fairy  

Friday, June 1, 2012

Transfer Day

Preparing for the transfer meant starting the much bigger, scarier, progesterone medication. The Progesterone gives support for the lining of the uterus and is needed to maintain an early pregnancy. The Progesterone is taken until reaching 10 weeks pregnant, at that time the placenta produces enough of its own progesterone so that the supplementation can stop. And even though I considered myself a "pro" at giving myself the Lurpon injections in my stomach, I was definitely not confident enough to give myself the Progesterone injections in my backside. (Insert my loving husband here, who offered to help me with the injections.) This hormone is in oil, so it's thicker and needs a bigger needle, and needs to be inserted intramuscularly. The nurse had explained how to give the Progesterone injections to me in person, but no one actually SHOWS you how to do it. So, you are left to turn to the wonderful "YouTube" for help! I found dozens of videos of women preparing their bodies for an IVF transfer and giving themselves a shot of Progesterone. It was very helpful, love YouTube!

I started the daily Progesterone injections one week before the transfer. Some other medications that I was required to take to prepare for the transfer were an antibiotic called Doxycycline (Doryx) and a steroid called Methylprednisolone (Medrol). The Doryx minimizes the risk of injection from the transfer. And Medrol is a steroid that helps prevent the body from rejecting the transferred embryos. Both of these were oral pills that I took for 5 days before the transfer.

On the day of the transfer, my husband and I drove out to LA for the 10am appointment. I was nervously excited for the big day. I was given one Valium pill to take 45 minutes before the procedure, to help relax my muscles and me! We got settled into the room, and the Intended Mother (IM) met us in there. The Intended Father (IF) was also there, but just said hello briefly and remained in the waiting room during the procedure. They wheeled a big incubator with the embryos into the room, and plugged it in. Then we all got a chance to get a peek at the three embryos that would be transferred through the microscope. It was so neat! I don't have an actual picture of them, but they looked something like this: 

After implantation into the womb, the sphere you see is what later would become the placenta, and the clump of cells on the bottom would become the fetus. All that work leading up to the transfer, and the actual procedure took no more than 15 minutes. It was simple, and painless. I was asked to remain lying down for another 30 minutes with my legs elevated slightly. Then I was wheeled out of the clinic, and told to remain on bed rest for the next 24 hours only getting up to eat and use the restroom. The couple had graciously reserved us a room at a hotel nearby for the night. The next morning, we woke up and met the couple for breakfast. It was good to chat with them and learn more about each other before we headed home.

Up next... wait, wait, wait... for the pregnancy test results!

~The Baby Fairy