There is ONE bun baking in my oven!!!
So for all of those who thought twins, nope! Just one healthy baby growing in there. I was able to share the first pregnancy ultrasound with the Intended Mother (IM). It was awesome to see her reaction to the little heartbeat flicker on the screen, and to be able to even HEAR the heartbeat as well! Such a fun experience. Unfortunately, the Intended Father (IF) couldn't make it, because of work. But he was able to hear the doctor tell us the good news via speaker phone. The baby is a whopping 5.2mm right now, and is measuring on track for being 6 weeks & 3 days pregnant. My estimated due date is February 17th - a Valentine's baby! So sweet. :)
I had blood work as well, and my estrogen level was high enough that I am able to stop the patches now. However, I have to stay with the Progesterone injections for another 3.5 weeks. I asked the nurse about the numbness I was feeling at the injection site and on the outside of my legs, and she said I was injecting them too low. Oops! So hopefully injecting higher will help with the numbness, but she did say it may take a couple months for the feeling to come back completely.
After the appointment, the IM and I had lunch together. It was fun to get to know each other better, we talked about everything from reality tv shows to working together on a possible sibling project in the future for this baby. That will take some time to consider, so we'll see how this one goes first. I am so happy for the new parents-to-be. Looking forward to the next 8 months!!
Up next... we'll get another peek of baby via ultrasound on July 11th!
~The Baby Fairy